

Coaching dates back to ancient Greece where the coaching of philosophers such as Socrates and Plato involved questioning to discover inner truths that lead to wisdom.

Modern coaching should not be lecturing or therapy. At PosMed, we coach doctors and healthcare leaders. Our coaching style is to facilitate a process of inquiry that leads to a clearer and broader understanding of individual quandaries, an ability to see options, and movement to subsequent actions. Within this executive and performance coaching we aim to assist with the investigation and definition of obstacles, allowing delineation of optimal next steps.

At PosMed, our coaching style is to facilitate a process of inquiry that surfaces a clearer understanding of the relevant issues.

Organisational Change

Organisational Change

The future of any organisation is not defined or predetermined. There are multiple possible outcomes. PosMed will help guide an organisation's evolution toward their optimal functioning - and towards the future that is desired.

Sometimes it is assumed or suggested that this transition can occur with a single intervention that is applied to an organisation and its people with a similar process that has been used for other groups or in other settings. Unfortunately, our experience at PosMed is that these interventions will not produce lasting benefits.

At PosMed, we understand that optimal outcomes do not result from a simple 'one size fits all' process, and we know that change is never linear.

Our service is constructed with the group as co-creators. The PosMed process will be unique to each organisation. Each organisation has its own rich story with different origins, operating conditions, challenges, and personality that contribute to the resultant distinctive culture.

Every group have their own strengths and opportunities. As such, PosMed will tailor the recommended change process in a bespoke fashion for each situation. With commitment and collaboration, the culture change, optimal growth, and organisational transformation that is aspired to will appear.

Healthcare Institutions

Healthcare Institutions

As our name suggests, PosMed has a particular interest in optimising team culture in healthcare organisations. We aim for positive change in healthcare.

PosMed offers the wisdom that comes with lived experience and an understanding of the daily challenges. PosMed combines the familiarity of organisational practices and demands, and the ability to view the entire institution and its obstacles with clarity.

The PosMed process is further informed by empirical evidence, together with the knowledge of what creates positive organisational change.

Leadership Facilitation

Leadership Facilitation

In any organisation, team, or culture, leadership is crucial to success. At PosMedwe understand the demands placed on leaders, and also recognise the unique opportunity they have to transform an organisation.

PosMed will work with leaders and decision-makers to unearth talents, maximise strengths, and develop less-commonly used abilities. This may be part of an organisation-wide culture-optimisation process or can be an individual coaching relationship. Both options will influence and augment broader organisational outcomes.

As part of an wider process leaders will partner with PosMed on a journey that creates the culture and conditions allowing for employee inclusion, belonging, and performance. At the individual level the interaction with PosMed will enable leaders to use strengths, recognise opportunity, and help develop the calm wisdom that underpins authentic leadership.



Within healthcare, poor interactions and bitter negotiations can arise from the parties’ different backgrounds and seemingly disparate agendas. Non-alignment of positions and expectations can damage trust and relationships. Any poorly-structured or unpleasant negotiation process may have ongoing damaging effects on organisational culture.

With our experience in health and leadership, PosMed would welcome the opportunity to assist with facilitation of difficult negotiations and relationships. We believe this is an area where organisations can not only solve the area of dispute, but also increase human capital and engagement. PosMed welcomes enquiries, or confidential initial discussions, regarding assistance with these matters.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

In the high stakes and busy circumstances that accompany health, it can be natural to occasionally have conflict between team members. Conflict is often healthy, and occasionally is essential, to allow the different views that allow organisational progress. However, when handled poorly conflict can become entrenched, unmovable, and detrimental to personal and broader outcomes. Conflict that is repeatedly handled sub-optimally may produce the silent, siloed and passive aggressive circumstances of poor culture.

In situations of conflict, PosMed involvement can aid leaders to create collaboration rather than ongoing division. It may be possible to turn disagreement and crisis into opportunities to jointly craft solutions that also lead to improved processes and stronger bonds in any team.

Culture Optimisation

Culture Optimisation

The culture of any organisation is the critical factor that creates organisational success. Even more than that, culture is what produces engagement, pride, and devotion from those within. When culture is poor all outcomes, and all people, suffer. Poor culture is not corrected quickly, easily, or through uniform interventions. However, the PosMed approach can surface the answers which lead to improvement.

Our vision is that each organisation or group will commence a journey with PosMed as partners. Our joint path will involve collaboration as co-creators of a profound culture change initiative.

As in many organic processes, growth is occasionally unpredictable yet can be encouraged in particular ways. The organisational culture will be explored, nurtured, and trained until it is flourishing. With the guidance of PosMed, the leaders will engage in organisation-wide inquiry and listen to all voices. Often the answers and solutions to vexing problems in systems will come from within the group.

During the process it is envisaged that PosMed will facilitate resource development and build an enduring relationship with the organisation.

To begin making a POSITIVE change, contact one of our team for a CONFIDENTIAL discussion.

Let’s make CHANGE together.