Why Seek Coaching?

To operate at your highest level and feel more balanced and in control – it’s that simple. Our coaching offers benefits including enhanced problem solving, reduction in burnout, improved life satisfaction, an ability to overcome obstacles and manage transitions. Organisational leaders may choose to help their doctors and leaders through offering coaching support. This will have flow on effects with improved team cohesion, better interpersonal interactions, and healthier contributions to organisational culture. PosMed Coaching is built upon clinical experience, wisdom, balance, and evidence.

Why would Doctors and Healthcare leaders – who are intelligent and multiskilled individuals - need a Coach?

The answer has many elements and is not at all to do with overcoming weakness, but rather in discovering ways to overcome challenges and identify opportunities moving forward. Throughout the world, most top performers in business and sports use coaching as a method that aids achievement of optimal outcomes. Increasingly coaching is being utilised by medical professionals. The best coaching relationships surface underutilized strengths, broaden perspectives, and build appreciation of challenges. This is the PosMed approach.

When to begin Coaching?

Each person will know when they need help with the stressors of a demanding role. Is it time to lift your performance? The benefits will accrue when the journey begins.

What is the Cost?

Coaching sessions are 55 minutes long and cost $540/session.

How to Book a Coaching Session?

Click the link below to get started


It is possible to have a complementary 15-minute introduction to discuss coaching and paths forward for your own needs.

You can also immediately book a full session to begin the coaching partnership and start to explore the way forward.


Is it hard to change Culture?

Absolutely! Culture change is difficult and lengthy. It’s hard! But it can be done.

Having a leader that is willing to acknowledge problems and explore new ways is a vital component of the solution.

Is Organisational or Team Culture Important?

Culture is the single most important element contributing to outcomes. Culture also dictates health of the workforce, happiness at work, and retention of staff.

How Do I Know When Assistance with Culture is Required?

This may be known through survey results or other feedback, exhibited behaviours, poor communication, suboptimal results, or silence. If a leader has a feeling that the culture is struggling – it almost certainly is.

Why Does Culture Deteriorate?

Poor culture is not the fault of any one person or a single action. Culture is a complex interplay of many factors and can change invisibly and without recognition. This is why it is poorly understood, and easily hidden or denied. The most important moment for any organisation is when a courageous leader realises that there is indeed a problem and takes action. We understand the difficulties inherent in poor culture for any organisation. We know that many culture change efforts fail. This is where the PosMed difference is crucial. Our experience of the system and expertise with change informs our process.

What Does PosMed Offer?

Our culture change programs are built upon clinical knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and evidence. The service offered is tailored to the particular circumstances of the client. All groups have unique challenges. Our services range from an initial confidential appointment to discuss and suggest paths forward, through to an in-house process of assessment of culture with the unique PosMed Culture Assessment Tool, and on to a bespoke partnership between PosMed and the organisation and its leaders.

What is the cost of PosMed Culture Change process?

An initial 45-minute consultation fee is $520. This meeting will outline the PosMed philosophy, method, and process.

During the consultation we will discuss organisational challenges, opportunities for early success, and suggestions on next steps. Use and analysis of the PosMed Culture Assessment Tool or our Team Assessment Tool for smaller subgroups or departments, will have a variable cost depending on the size of the population assessed. A quote can be obtained through

A formal long-term partnership can be discussed. As this will be a bespoke program in each organisation, a quote can be provided which outlines the process and timelines. Accuracy in this quote will require a discussion of needs, site visit, and assessment of culture. Of course, leaders must keep in mind the cost of inaction on culture with poorer outcomes, less efficient workers, and cost of staff turnover.

How to begin Culture Improvement?

Let’s start with a meeting that defines problems, identifies opportunities, and creates an action plan to move forward.

Book this first step by hitting the book button below..


Book a Complementary 15-minute introduction to discuss coaching and paths forward for your own needs.

Let’s take the first step towards CHANGE together.